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Iron plating treatment价格

  • Release date: 2016-10-24
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    Domestic zinc plating plant generally only pay attention to the consumption of products linked to zinc, do not pay attention to help plating iron ions content caused by excessive consumption of zinc increased, the general foreign control iron ions content 1g / L about the general use of galvanized plant manual processing, Treatment is not timely, the control is not ideal, the operation is not convenient, according to domestic and international help plating treatment, the company developed automatic iron plating additive equipment, automatic processing, without manual intervention, online processing, does not affect the production process. The design is optimized and the volume is reduced to make it an independent equipment. It is easy to install and use. It effectively reduces the zinc consumption. After treatment, the plating aid is returned to the auxiliary plating tank, and the pressed filter presses the treated iron ions. In the process of adjusting the PH value of plating additives, the use of the process only need to add ammonia and hydrogen peroxide can, the overall equipment made of corrosion-resistant materials, durable in use.

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